This year, my precious knight and dragon melted the hearts of all that DARED cross their path! Quinn decided months ago that he wanted to be a knight…so, it was only fitting that Nash be his opponent as a FIERCE fire breathing dragon!
On Halloween evening, when I got them ready and used eyeshadow to be the icing on the cake for these two dudes, my heart skipped a beat as I realized the privilege it is to participate in this fun night with my boys! They felt SO cool in their costumes and immediately got into character! Nash surely “rarrrred” at everyone he saw!
Since we would start our night at our church’s Trunk or Treat, we took lots of pictures, (including the one that Quinn insist I take of his bucket all dressed up) left candy and a note on our front porch for our new neighbors and headed to Sonic for a quick 50 cent corn dog.
Then, we excitedly met Daddy and lots of our friends for the carnival and Trunk or Treating at our church! What a fun time!!!
Nash was so thankful and excited for each piece of candy he received!
When we could hold our buckets no longer, we headed home to do a little Trick or Treating in our new neighborhood! It was fun getting to meet some of our new neighbors that we hadn’t met yet and show off the cutest Knight and Dragon in town!
Then, of course, it was time to check out the loot! Nothing better!
We ended our night on our back patio…talking about our fun, eating some candy and admiring the COOLEST Halloween moon I’ve ever seen.
What a perfectly family fun Halloween! I can’t wait to see what they choose next year!
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