Monday, April 02, 2012

Cousin to cousin we'll always be, Special friends from the same family tree.

As much as I wish we had our cousins in the same town, I’ll be grateful for the times that we DO get to spend together. And, I was SUPER excited when we found out that Aunt Boogie and Michael and Ava were going to be able to come to celebrate Q’s 5th birthday with us! Having two extra little ones around the house made for a fun and crazy few days!!! We are so thankful for the cousins that Boogie and Derin give us. {Since I’m an only child, what they give is what we get!} And, we can’t wait to welcome yet another one in August!!! Keep ‘em comin’!

Take a peek into some of our Cousin Fun…

Q's 5th Birthday and MORE 015

Q's 5th Birthday and MORE 022

Q's 5th Birthday and MORE 026

Q's 5th Birthday and MORE 310



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