While Matt was gone to New Orleans for Mission Trip, our “Juh-lissa” took us to the Great Wolf Lodge. To say we had fun was a complete understatement. Minus the glowing tans, it totally felt like summertime…and we had such a great time playing and splashing. The fun started at 4:00 on Sunday…and we swam until about 8. After a fun dinner, I put a very sleepy wolf to bed while Q stayed out and played with Juh-lissa and the kids. I think he finally went to sleep right before midnight. Such fun!
On Monday, we SLEPT IN until 8 something (that NEVER happens) and went downstairs for a yummy breakfast buffet. After that, Slickpaw took Q to get his MagiQuest wand and game. (and, after Q had his wand for half of a second, I went back in to get Nash one…there was no way he would have been ok not having the cool thing his brother had!)
As cool as it was, the game TOTALLY stressed me out! And, after going up and down stairs and down halls for over an hour, we got a “tip” that they could “fastforward” the game so that Q could fight the dragon without completing all of the quests. (WHEW!!!…I seriously thought we were going to be there ALL day!) He fought the dragon and was satisfied…and, I must admit that Nash was extra cute opening all of the books/chests/etc. with his wand. Definitely something I want to go back and do a FEW years down the road.
Then, for the rest of the day, I got to stay at the amazing lodge with JUST Q. My parents took Nash home to give Q and I the opportunity for a “date!”…just my first born and me for over 5 hours. We ate lunch…slid down BIG slides (with lots of bribing)…splashed…swam the lazy river…played in the wave pool…dumped buckets of water on unsuspecting lazy river riders…and laughed together! After we were cold and tired, we had a yummy hot chocolate and rice krispy treat. Q was (as always) such a LOVE! And, I soaked in every moment that we got to spend together!! Before Mammer and Slickpaw came to pick us up, we did a little more MagiQuest and some shopping! …
It was the perfect getaway. We are so thankful to Melissa for including our fam in such a fun experience…and, now, we can’t wait to go back and take Daddy!
This really looks like a wonderful place to stay and play!
This really looks like a wonderful place to stay and play!
Wow, that DOES look like fun!
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