Thursday, October 27, 2011

It’s The Great Pumpkin…

I must admit that I’m a sucker for anything “holiday!” And, come October, I’m ready for celebrating the fact that the temps are getting cooler! Trust me when I say that I DO NOT LIKE THE HEAT!!!! 

And, with the cooler temps come all things Fall. And, this sucker has picked up quite a few pumpkin/fall items at the store over the past few weeks! Having an excited 4 1/2 year old in the cart doesn’t really help things…but, we’ve enjoyed it ALL…so you won’t hear me complain! 

So…take a peek into our pantry…and pick you up some of these yummy items the next time you’re out…

The Brach's kind are just better. They're buttery-er and GOOD!…Quinn is loving a few of them sprinkled into his “trail mix” lately!!…


I’m on my second one of these…How can I resist! I love it so much better than the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks. pumpkin_spice

Are you kidding me? They're oh so bad…but oh so good! DSC_0645

This is so good on my bagel.

When I heard that these existed, I looked everywhere and only found them at Wal-Mart. And, they were worth the search! SOOO yummy! MMsCandyCorn

And, now I’ve become a huge fan of these yummies! It’s the EASIEST recipe of all time…and oh so pumpkin-y!

Pumpkin Patch 2011 004

And, last but not least, I had some fun making Q’s class some pumpkin snacks for school this week. I heard they were a hit!

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Now we’re just waiting for the grand finale…costumes are ready and waiting!….
Happy Pumpkin Day!

pupmkin fun 011


Jenny said...

I am going to have to try all of your pumpkin stuff..yummy! Have you tried Dreyer's Slow Churned Pumpkin Ice Cream?? It is Amazing!!

Jennifer said...

The Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream from Ben and Jerry's is too die for! It's limited edition and we always hunt down as many of them as we can. When I was nursing I could sit and eat an entire pint by myself. SO GOOD!

Anonymous said...

I saw the Pop Tarts at Walmart. I wish I had gotten some. They looked yummy!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

Oh gosh, I love PopTarts, and wish I had those now! And I've been looking for that Country Crock and can't find it anywhere!!