In two short months, my firstborn {the big brother of the house} will turn FOUR! My word…FOUR SOUNDS BIG! But, for now, here’s some three year old things that he’s said over the past few months. How I wish I could just carry a recorder around to catch the MILLIONS of things he says on a daily basis to make us laugh out loud. …
On potty talk:
One day I caught Quinn walking in our bathroom and closing the door. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, “I’m going in here to say potty words!” Obviously, my consequence for potty talk didn’t quite work!
"The bad guys say potty talk: things like stupid and doo doo and pee pee...and all that." Gotta love that he gave himself a reason to say those words!
“I was slurping my snot in my mouth a lot of times....again and again and again and again and again. That's a lot of times.”
On Jesus:
After we found out that one of his frogs had died, he said, "Goo lives in my heart!” When I asked what that meant, he said, “Well, Jesus is in my heart…and Goo is in heaven with Jesus, so that means Goo is in my heart, too. But he didn’t hop there!”
"Batman and Robin don't need Jesus because they can do things all by themselves. But Jesus lives in my tummy because I need help doing some things!"
In the bathroom at lunch, Quinn saw a pic of John Lennon and said, "look, mommy, there's a picture of, it's not Jesus, it's that guy that's on the penny!!!" Not sure how Jesus feels about being compared to John Lennon and Abe?!! Ha.
On getting too big:
"One day I'll go to college all by myself. I'll drive there. And I won't need to take toys. I'll need grown up stuff. And I can't watch a movie when I'm driving. Just listen to music. But, don't worry...I'll come back!"
“I’ll ALWAYS be your sweet love…and I’ll always help you clean…even when I’m a grown up!”
On Nash:
While carrying Nash around in the moby wrap today, I said to Quinn, " I really wish I had had one if these when you were a baby! " Then Quinn said, "that's ok! You can carry me in one of those when I'm a baby in my dreams! That'll be a good dream!" ...not so helpful for me, but sweet, none the less! :)
“He’s pretty cute, isn’t he!?”
To the lady at the store…“My name’s Quinn…I’m 3 1/2 and …and this is my cute baby brother, Nash. He’s just a baby.”
On other things:
“They all think I’m pretty cute!” (while walking through the store and he had his hands in his pockets)
And some Quinn-isms that I LOVE…
”Snicker-doo”- silly putty (I think he learned about snickerdoodles and silly putty around the same time and got them confused)
“Linkus”- Mucus
”Ear nobs”- Ear muffs
”mix up” - trail mix
“Taco Ueno” –Taco Bueno
”Old McDonald’s”- McDonald’s
{The “Batman” that he made ALL BY HIMSELF out of Trios! I was SUPER impressed!…check out the yellow batman symbol on his chest!…WOW!}
He is a dream! These past few
snow ice days have proven to me how good and sweet he is! I look at him everyday and have to remind myself that he’s mine. He keeps our house so very happy…and, I’m going to really be intentional to truly enjoy my 3 year old for these weeks to come!
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