On Thursday, I took my baby boy to preschool! I think I’m still in shock that he’s big enough to go. But, I knew it was time…he’s been so excited about the start of school and I know he’ll grow and learn so much during the year.
{Random Unnecessary Side note: While shopping at the book fair on Meet the Teacher night, a mom that I had known from long before asked me if my baby was coming to school this year. I, lovingly, said “yes” and “can you believe it?!” After her response of, “oh…he’s so cute…I know they’re just going to love loving on him!!”…I realized she was talking about Nash. I just assumed that “my baby” was Quinn! … tear.}
So, on the first day, he woke up on his own and, even though we had two hours until we had to be at school, the morning felt rushed. I fed Nash, got the boys ready, got myself showered and ready, had breakfast, finished packing Quinn’s lunch, and took the time to video and take pictures.
We took the obligatory pictures with the lunchbox and backpack. And, I thought Q looked so cute in his outfit. (He picked out EXACTLY which new shirt he wanted to wear!) He melts my heart in these pictures!
I love my mom.
My mom is cool.
But now it’s time
For having fun in SCHOOL!
When we pulled up the the school, there was no apprehension in my big boy’s heart…just a little bit in Mommy’s. I melted as I watched Matt and Quinn walk hand in hand in front of me…and we took some more pictures before we went inside.
Once inside, we walked down the hall to Quinn’s class and waited for just a little bit before it was time to go inside his room. Once the teacher’s opened the doors to welcome us in, Quinn was so anxious to find his spot! He sat down and immediately started playing with the tinker toys that were in front of him.(And, oddly enough, he made a GUN and started shooting it! My child has NEVER made a gun out of anything at home! What in the world!??! I guess it’s thanks to the new obsession with Batman! Great first impression, right!? ha.) …We took a pic with his sweet teachers, gave a few too many hugs…and said “I Love You” a few too many times. Thankfully, Quinn still didn’t seem upset or worried like i expected he might. So, with only about 3 other friends already there, we waved one more time and said goodbye.
Quinn with his “gun”…
One last “have a good day and I love you” from Daddy…
Our view as we walked out of the room…
I could have lost it. But, I looked at Matt and made myself get a grip. He was going to be fine. And so was I!
We chit chatted with a few friends that were dropping off their kids…and then, after saying goodbye to Matt, Nash and I got in the car to go home. … And,that’s when I lost it! Boooo hoooing. Leaving the parking lot was hard. So, I prayed (again) for my big schoolboy and trusted that he was going to have a wonderful day.
And, thankfully I had THIS FACE to keep me occupied while Big Brother was at school!…The rest of the morning went by slow. I’d often look at Quinn’s schedule and see what he was doing! Then, after lunch, it seemed to fly. In no time, Nash and I were loading up the car to meet Daddy up at school to pick up our big boy.
When we got to class, he was listening to a story but was SUPER excited when he saw us. He immediately hugged, kissed and loved on Nash and then showed us the keychain he had made …followed by BIG hugs! The teachers said he did GREAT…and only got a little sad when they had a little “rest time!” He worriedly kept saying that he wasn’t tired and DID NOT want to sleep. When they reassured him that he didn’t have to sleep, he was better! Bless him.
We talked about school on the way home and some throughout the night. I wish I could be a fly on the wall during his day! I’d love to watch him. But, I guess I’ll just take what I can get…Here’s what I learned about his day…
Mini First Day of School Interview:
What was your favorite part of your day at school?
Eating time! My special batman lunch and my snack. Why did you make me that special lunch?
Did you learn anything at school?
I learned about Jesus.
Did you make any new friends?
Yes. A boy that has glasses. But I don’t know his name.
Did you like your teachers?
Did you have fun at school?
Yes, it was fun! (Mommy: Why?) Cuz I thought it was fun.
Do you want to go back to school another day?
And, other things we heard in the afternoon and evening. I love that he felt the need to share things when they came to his mind…
Thank you for my Batman ring. And, thank you for my Spider Man nak-kin. And, thank you for my Batman snacks. And, thank you for my Spider Man drink.
We sang ‘Apple Annie!’
Look at my keychain I made.
Maybe next time I go to school you could come with me and watch me all day.
I had to find my spot on the floor. And, it had me in my puppy dog shirt…not this shirt.
I have a Hermie book in my classroom.
There's lots of nice girls. And lots of nice boys. But there’s one boy that’s a little bit ugly. But, I just tell him what the teacher tells me to say.
I’m so thankful that he had a great day and that he’s excited to go back! We spent the afternoon at home…with no nap! But, he was tired. After reading a few stories, he said, “Ok…it’s time to go nigh-night!” It was about 5:00! :) …
When Daddy got home, we took our sweet school boy to Chuck E. Cheese. We had such a fun time with our family of four!! And, when we got home, Q had NO trouble falling right to sleep!
Quinn's last comment about the ugly kid has me rollin'. Precious.
I think they had a great day!!! Also, loving the comment about the boy in glasses because that boy made an impression on Reid too. I asked him what some of the names of kids in his class were and he said, "Quinn, Carson, and I don't know what the boy in glasses name is" - I wonder why they both happened to notice that? Also, Reid was singing Apple Annie (part of the song, not the whole thing!!!) and so I googled it because I had no idea what it was and it's super cute!!! I'm SO EXCITED for their school year!!!!
so fun! I am glad you both had a good first day. My little girl goes to a MDO and it is so hard to leave her there for that amount of time, I am dreading preschool but know she will love it :)
Did u have any trouble having Quinns name put on his easy lunchbox vinyl bag??
I didn't! Hmmmm!? I took it to a monogram place called "Embroid Me!" Maybe there's one of those around you that could do it...I think it's a chain! Good luck!!
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