Sunday, September 19, 2010


It was a happy week!
At the end of a wonderful first full week at school, Quinn had Silly Hat Day…

Sept 14-16 071
  Sept 14-16 077

My sweet friend, Shannon, had her beautiful baby girl…Everley!
(I see an arranged marriage in our future…doesn’t Everley Poe sound JUST perfect?!)
Sept 14-16 039

   …Q and I had an ice cream date after school…Sept 14-16 056

…Quinn decided to become a “soccer star” (details to come!)…Soccer Game #2 061
…and our Chubber Bubs got even chubbier! …  

Sept 14-16 067

Soccer Game #2 008
Now, if all of that doesn’t make you happy, I don’t know what will!!!


Lainey-Paney said...

Both of your little buys are so cute!
Glad you had a happy week.

Jennifer said...

I love that name Everley! It is on my list for possible girl names if we ever have another one!

Unknown said...

what a fun hat! your friend Shannon looks absolutely beautiful--wish i would've looked that purdy post-birth.