Sunday, August 08, 2010

Water Conservation

Yesterday was the first of many Big Brother/Baby Brother bath times! Quinn was so excited to be right next to Nash…and loved helping scrub him. Gotta love it…especially the 20 pruney fingers and 20 pruney toes that I got to kiss when they were smelling so Baby Magic fresh!…Mmmmmm! MMMMMMM! Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 031

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 030

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 033

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 034

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 035

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 037

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 040

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 044 

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 046

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 052

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 054

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 057

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 058

Molly,Bro Bath, 1 month and more 061 By the way…ever wonder why fingers get pruney in the tub!?!?! Here’s why!
{Thanks, Wikipedia!!!}…

The wrinkles that occur in skin after prolonged exposure to water are sometimes referred to as pruney fingers or water aging. This is a temporary skin condition where the skin on the palms of the hand or feet becomes wrinkly.

In recent past the common explanation was based on water absorption in the keratin-laden epithelial skin when immersed in water, causing the skin to expand and resulting in a larger surface area, forcing it to wrinkle. Usually the tips of the fingers and toes are the first to wrinkle because of a thicker layer of keratin and an absence of hairs which secrete the protective oil called sebum.


Marissa said...

my boys LOVE bathtime together! I try to give them seperate bath time, but neither of them want any part of it...they like it TOGETHER :) Your boys are precious and look so much alike! CUTE!!

The Hernandez House said...

warning: random blog stalker comment. :)

do you remember where you got those towels?!?! love them!

TheGrandPoes said...

Absolutely love the "Big/Little brother feet". We so enjoyed the video via Matt's phone. We love you four and can't wait to see you again. Love PawPaw and Nana