This is just a warning that the sentimentalist in me is about to really come alive…I have less than a month, my friends! :) And, since I’ve been experiencing contractions over the past few days, I felt motivated to write a letter to my sweet firstborn! I hope he’ll look back at it one day and realize just how special he is to me!!!…Stay tuned for Nash’s first letter!!!…

My sweet love…my only child…my precious first born,
In just a few short weeks, the title that I have held for my entire life will no longer be yours. Because, in these weeks, you are going to no longer be an only child but a precious big brother. The excitement that has been building for 9 months is about to pay off, and you are finally going to meet “your baby!” I can’t believe that it’s almost time…that our family is forever going to be different.

And, in this realization, I must admit that I’m struggling a little. Even though I can’t wait to meet our littlest love, I am having a bit of a hard time coming to terms with the fact that you're going to have to share me…and that I’m going to have two little men to love. Even though I know it will be possible for my heart to double in size, I can’t imagine it. All I can imagine right now is how much I love you and how perfectly precious you are to your Daddy and me. There are truly no words that could even describe how I feel about you and how I have cherished these first 3 years and 3 months that it has been “just us!”

Because of you, I have become more selfless…Because of you, I have truly learned to appreciate your Daddy…Because of you, I have a better understanding of how much Jesus loves us…and in turn, I have fallen in deeper love with Him…and, because of you, I have felt a love that I never knew existed. The love between a Mommy and her son could never be matched.

And, even thought the thought is a little tough, the fact that you are going to be a big brother to Nash makes it all ok. I am so thankful that I have you to help me this time around! On top of the little things {like getting a clean diaper or picking up a dropped toy}, I know that you are going to help build his character. I am so thankful that Nash has you to look up to and pray that he takes after you in so many areas…especially your tender heart and never-ending compassion. And, in spite of the fact that you are only 3 years old, I am constantly seeing Jesus in you and know that Nash will too.

But, don’t get me wrong…I’m not too naive to think that you are gong to have the perfect brotherly love. I know there will be plenty of fights and frustration…for all of us! :) And, I know that there will be times when you’ll just wish your annoying little brother would GO AWAY! But, before he’s even born, I can guarantee that he is going to admire you more than anyone in the world.

From the time he’s tiny, I’m sure you’ll get the biggest smiles. …
And, when he’s 2, you’ll be 5…starting big boy school and being so cool to him. He’ll want to be there sooner because you’re there…
Then, when you’re in 4th grade, he’ll be starting Kindergarten. He’ll need you to show him the ropes and he’ll be into everything you’re into. …
And, when he’s in 8th grade, you’ll be a Senior in high school…getting ready for college. What will he do without you? Come home a lot, ok!? ;)

And, during those moments and every huge and tiny one in between, I can’t wait to watch the two of you together. My prayer is that you’ll always be best friends and that you’ll never take for granted the blessing that you have in each other…a built in buddy, a perfect catching partner, a constant source of accountability, love & support and the perfect future best man!

All of that is just to say that I adore you, my sweet Quinn Davis Poe. I am already so very proud of the big brother that you are and can’t wait to fall in love with Nash right next to you and Daddy! We’re going to have so much fun!

I love you…a bushel and a peck…
Your Mommy
{All pictures taken in May 2010-Letter written June 8, 2010}
So sweet :) I LOVE the pictures! How ever amazing it is (because our God can do more than we can imagine), I am sure your love for Quinn will grow even more when you hold Nash and look at Quinn in a new light.
My oldest is my right hand man, amazing helper and still my baby. And you should see him with Emerson- she could not adore him more. Just wait until Quinn is taking care of his little sister one day ;)
This was SUCH a sweet post! I absolutely love all the pictures...especially the one of him feeding you pickles! How cute!
Love your blog!
The first week after having Nash, when you are so emotional from hormones, it will be so hard to have to share your time and miss out on things with Quinn. But it gets so much better! I have a 2 year old and a 7 week old and I couldn't be happier. My daughter loves her little brother and to see them together already is incredible. congratulations!
Oh my gosh, that is precious and you have tears running down my face! Can't wait to hear all the stories about him meeting Baby Nash.
Dad gum you Brittney, tears this early in the morning! You should have warned me! :) What a sweet sweet letter I'm sure he will always treasure! Can't believe just a few weeks away! Ahhh!
I love this letter because it totally hits home for our family. My oldest son was a month shy of being 3 when his little brother was born. Now they are 3.5 and 5 months and couldn't be better friends. You will be amazed at how much your heart grows when you watch the love and adoration your boys have for each other! I was nervous before my baby boy was born too, but it is so much fun to watch them love and play and laugh together! Congratulations!
I came across your blog while blog hopping.
This was such a beautiful post. I remember when my second child was almost due, how anxious i felt. I could not imagine loving another child as much as I loved my first, yet I already loved my unborn so much. I was afraid that I may even have a favorite one of the two. I had so many anxious thoughts. When baby number 2 came, I instantly could not love her any more than I did, and to watch my oldest with the baby just made me love then both that much more. When i got pregnant with number three I didn't have any of those anxious feelings, because I had been through it before and knew that God had made my heart big enough to love as many children as he was going to give me.
Congratulations on the almost birth of your new baby. I look forward to following your blog and seeing pictures of him.
How sweet! I am not a mother (or even close to it) but I can really see the love that you have for your son. I have heard about this bond that a parent and child share.. and well it poors through your post. Truely beautiful and inspiring! Thank you.
it's pretty incredible to watch the bonds form so early!
i just got teary reading the part where you listed their ages at different stages in life. so neat!
You don't know me. I found you through the Rowe's blog. (We go to church with them.) I LOVE this post. I wrote a very similar letter to my firstborn last year about this time. And you're right...the littlest one looks up to big brother from the moment he puts eyes on him. Our nearly 3 year old gets the biggest reaction out of our baby every time. He is loved most. :-)
So glad another Momma is going to experience this awesome blessing. :-)
This is a beautiful post. It reminds me of a story my dad likes to tell. I'm the 2nd child, and when my mom was pregnant with me, my dad was very worried that he wouldn't possibly be able to love me as much as my big sister. But then I was born, and he discovered that love just doesn't work that way. You always can love more, no matter how much you already love the people who came into your life first. Wishing you and yours all the best.
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