On June 13th, I was blessed beyond measure by some of my favorite people in the whole world. Six of my very best friends took time out of their busy lives to throw the most precious shower for Nash and me! I get so emotional when I think about the effort that these sweet girls went to…and the fact that I got to spend the afternoon with all of them in ONE place! I just don’t know how many times in my life that will happen! It was priceless and perfect…and a sweet memory that I will never forget!
It started weeks ago with the darling invite that Alli and her hubby created. It read…
i scream, you scream
Brittney is craving
pickles & ice cream.
Even though no details were divulged, I had a good idea that it was going to be based around my crazy pregnancy cravings! And, I obviously knew that it was going to take place at Molly’s precious house!…I had no doubt that it would be precious…but, when I walked in the door, I was completely BLOWN away! The decor was SO cute! They used Nash’s colors…and had the cutest snack foods displayed perfectly. Just take a look…
There were pickles…ice cream with all of the toppings…fun candy…fun sodas, including Strawberry Soda, of course…and more! It was DARLING!
In Molly’s living area, Sharee had made the most precious ‘spots’ that had all of my cravings written on them! So fun, so personal and so thoughtful…
Before the guests arrived, we took some pictures of me and these precious girls…just look at how blessed I am…
There’s Jessica: She’s my newest friend of the bunch that I met when Matt was new on staff at the church,“personal photographer”, and funniest friend! We clicked so quickly and she soon became a “forever friend!” (which, when you have friends like I do, it seems rare to be able to add another as dear and precious as she is!) We can truly talk for hours and I’m so blessed that she’s in my life…and, she took most of these amazing pictures, too! :)
Next to her is Molly, a.k.a. Mock-a-Moly: She’s been a best friend since middle school and forever will be. There is no one that could make me feel more comfortable or “at home.” She’s hilarious in her own Molly way and has the best style of us all! She’s real, she’s fun…and, now, I love sharing mommyhood with her!
To my right is Sarah: She’s my longest and dearest best friend. We were in the nursery together at church and grew up together. She was the Matron of Honor in my wedding and I was the Maid of Honor in hers. I’m sure that life would have felt incomplete without her in it. I’m thankful that she knows me…inside and out! And, always will!
To my left is my Shareena: She was a best friend in middle school and had to move away before high school began. We kept in touch but completely reconnected when we decided to be roommates at Baylor. We lived together ALL 4 years of college and she became more than a friend…she was my family! Although we have never lost touch, being mommies has reconnected us all over again. I am so thankful for her and the memories we share!
Then, there’s Thompson: Her real name is Alison, but not to me! :) We became super duper close in high school and continued to build our precious friendship as college came and went. It’s NEVER hard to pick up right where I left off with her…like no time has passed at all! And, that’s rare! She’s a friend that I truly respect for so many reasons…especially her career…since she just became an assistant principal! I love her so!
And, last but not least is Alli: We met at Baylor…as Chi O’s and I loved her immediately. She’s one of those people that’s just too sweet for words…and is TOO funny, too! Then, after college, we got to live together for a year before I got married. And, as life would have it…we both married youth pastors and had our first boys within 5 months of one another. I’ve had more fun “living life” with her through our boy’s playgroup! I’m thankful that our lives have been able to continue to be intertwined.
Told you I was blessed!!! See why I get emotional!!?!? The actual shower was PERFECT! The guest list was small enough that I felt that I got to chat with everyone…and I loved that! Of course, I was a sweaty mess…but Molly had a big box fan for me…just like at my last shower! Once I cooled off, I loved mixing and mingling…and opening the most darling gifts!
Our traditional picture..I’m the first to take it twice!…
I was so thankful for the other girls that took the time to come, too. Having them there to meet the hostesses meant a lot to me! …
Titus, Molly’s precious little man, was darling at the shower…I loved that he got to participate after his nap! And, he loved Nash’s skateboard! :)
When the guests left, they got to take this amazing favor that Sarah made. It was an ice cream scoop with “pickle” jelly beans inside. And, look at the darling pickles & ice cream tags! Seriously, this shower should be in a magazine!…Look at this loot…so blessed…so fun!…
Slickpaw came at the end to pick up Mammer so that they could head back to Abilene. Jessica snapped a few pictures of him…and him telling Nash ‘bye’…
It was such a priceless afternoon!
Thank you, sweet friends, for all that you did to make Nash’s shower perfect in every way! I can’t wait to repay the favor for ALL of you!…And am so thankful that I get to share life with all of you…even when there’s WAY too much time between our visits! I love you all so very much and will forever cherish you!
so stinkin cute! i love it all.
What a super cute idea!! You are so blessed to have such amazing friends in your life!
Such a beautiful shower!!! I LOVE your maternity style ... a post about that would be awesome (but no hurry, I know you have a lot on your plate ;). Congrats!
It was so great to help you prepare for sweet little Nash - we had so much fun doing it! And you looked amazing. :)
Btw - I decided that I'm in desperate need of a makeover after seeing the pictures from that day. :-\
My goodness what a post! So fun to be able to do it for you and Baby Nash! We love you...and wow Jessica, your pics are amazing, I think I'm going to steal some for my blog too! :) You look beautiful BGP!
SOO precious!!! I hate that I had to miss it :(. Can't wait to see that little guy soon!! Oh, and his room is ADORABLE...of course ;). Praying for y'all as it gets close...I remember all those feelings!
Awww...it makes me want to do it all again! It was so much fun celebrating YOU and your newest little man. I can't wait to meet him. BTW, A-mazing pics Jessica!
You know Nicki will want these for her party blog!! One of a kind shower! You look great in that purple dress and everyone looks so very happy! How blessed you are!
By the way, my birthday is July 6th! I'll be thinking of you and praying for Nash on our birthday!
You're about to experience a new love you've never known...watching your boys be friends is one of the best feelings. Praying for their relationship.
Enjoy your last few days with Nash in your tummy.
Precious! I was so sad I had to miss the shower. I was looking forward to seeing you and some of the other girlies. When you have amazing friends like those girls, it just lets you know how special YOU are.
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