Quinn woke up a little before 8! Matt and I got the video camera ready and headed in his room to sing “Happy Birthday!” He was so happy to see us and eager to show us how old he was!!!
After lots of birthday wishes from the grandparents, we had a leftover chocolate cake breakfast! I’d say Quinn takes after his Momma…junk for breakfast is THE BEST!
Then, it was time to open party presents. It was just too late the night before and Quinn was so eager to dive in!! He got SO many great things from his sweet friends and spend the next hour and a half playing his heart out!
But, MY favorite gift was this precious chair from his playgroup. This special seat will go in Nash’s room and will give the Big Brother his own little spot! I’m sure it will be in many priceless pictures…
After bath time, it was time for the annual nose picture! This is the fourth one!!! Such a sweet memory that I look forward to capturing for as long as my little man will let me!
At about 9:45ish, we all piled in Pawpaw’s big car to head downtown! We were excited to surprise Quinn with a trip to Disney on Ice! He had no idea where we were going but was eager to find out…
Sadly, due to Mommy’s poor planning, there was NO way to get 7 tickets anywhere close to one another! So, Poefam3 got our three tickets and said “see ya later” to the grandparents for a few hours! We hated to leave them, but were thankful that Quinn still was going to get to see the show!!!
After an immediate choice for the shiny Buzz Lightyear at the gift shop, we found our seats and got Quinn excited to see all of the Disney friends skating on the ice! He was mesmerized and enjoyed it so much! We loved the special time with our BIG THREE YEAR OLD. (but, were SUPER annoyed that there were TONS for empty seats around us!!!!)
We thought it was as so cool that the name of the show was “Let’s Celebrate” and they had a fun BIRTHDAY PARTY opening! That and the THREE candles on Lumiere were SO fun and appropriate for the birthday boy!!!

And, don’t worry…Mammer, Slickpaw, Nana and Pawpaw coped just find without us! I’d say they had TOO Much fun…wouldn't you!?!?…
By 1:00, we were headed back to the car and Pawpaw decided that we all needed ice cream. The birthday boy (and preggo momma) agreed!!!…
And, we all had our fill! Quinn loved all of the yummy flavors with blueberries on top! He LOVES blueberries on his yogurt! …
On the way home, Quinn decided that he didn’t need a nap on his birthday…and I gave in! So, it was time for some presents from us when we got home! … The first one was from Matt and I and it got the sweet reaction we were hoping for. We got Quinn his OWN little African Dwarf Frogs! TWO of them! … And, when we asked him to name them, he quickly came up with “Boo” and “Goo!” Perfect frog names, if you ask me! …It was so cute to watch him talk to them and laugh at them as they swam around! What fun new friends we have living at our house!!!…
Nana and Pawpaw got Quinn this FUN golf game that was a HUGE hit…
And, Mammer and Slickpaw spoiled him with lots of fun things…including this game that was played immediately!!!…
Around 4:30, we heard a familiar noise outside…and Mammer grabbed Quinn up and ran outside with him to stop the ice cream man! (Just we he needs….MORE sweets!!!!) … We laughed as our birthday boy chose the Pink Panther ice cream and endured the crazy wind to eat it outside!
After a little more play time, a clean up from the sticky ice cream and a change of clothes, we all headed to a Chinese buffet for Quinn’s birthday dinner! He always enjoys the selection…especially the crab legs, fortune cookies and the lemons! Silly boy!
Then, by about 8, we were home to blow out the candles on the birthday cake that Mammer made him. (she always makes him a special cake!) He was SO excited to see his Lightning cake and the candles that spelled his name!!!…

Of course, he had to enjoy some before it was time to get ready for bed!!! (Can we say MORE sugar!!!) After his fill, he played a little more and was in bed a little after 9! He was one exhausted birthday boy!!! …
I was so thankful for a day filled with fun and family! My THREE year old is so very blessed!!! Happy Birthday, Quinn Davis Poe! How has it already been THREE years!? I LOVE YOU!!!…
Then, it was time to open party presents. It was just too late the night before and Quinn was so eager to dive in!! He got SO many great things from his sweet friends and spend the next hour and a half playing his heart out!
At about 9:45ish, we all piled in Pawpaw’s big car to head downtown! We were excited to surprise Quinn with a trip to Disney on Ice! He had no idea where we were going but was eager to find out…
Sadly, due to Mommy’s poor planning, there was NO way to get 7 tickets anywhere close to one another! So, Poefam3 got our three tickets and said “see ya later” to the grandparents for a few hours! We hated to leave them, but were thankful that Quinn still was going to get to see the show!!!
We thought it was as so cool that the name of the show was “Let’s Celebrate” and they had a fun BIRTHDAY PARTY opening! That and the THREE candles on Lumiere were SO fun and appropriate for the birthday boy!!!
After a little more play time, a clean up from the sticky ice cream and a change of clothes, we all headed to a Chinese buffet for Quinn’s birthday dinner! He always enjoys the selection…especially the crab legs, fortune cookies and the lemons! Silly boy!
Then, by about 8, we were home to blow out the candles on the birthday cake that Mammer made him. (she always makes him a special cake!) He was SO excited to see his Lightning cake and the candles that spelled his name!!!…
What a fun, sugary day! I LOVE the pic of Mrs. Poe with Matt and Quinn.
Looks like such a special day! Happy birthday to Quinn. Can’t believe I’ve been following your blog for a year! I remember reading about his last “Q” themed birthday party....so sweet!
Kendra “Domestic Princess in Training”
What a fun day! How fun is it that the Easter Bunny brought Cole the same frogs! Ours are Buzz and Mars! Happy Birthday Quinn!
Precious pics of party party and Quinn's day! how do you do it all!? I think you should be a party planner! I can't wait to meet Mr. Nash!
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