Dear {almost} Third Trimester (a.k.a. Twenty-four-ish weeks), |
Due to the fact that you have me feeling so good and motivated, I’m a little late on posting these belly pics! But, in Quinn verbiage…”That’s ok!!!!” I love being pregnant! I LOVE how much Baby Nash is moving and squirming inside of my tummy! It’s crazy how you kind of forget what it feels like once the baby is in your arms…but, the second you feel it again, it’s so amazingly fabulous! I”m constantly trying to figure out which way he’s situated in there based on his movements! All I know is that he’s definitely more active than his Big Brother was!…hope it’s not a sign of things to come!!!
Because of you, dear Twenty-four weeks, I’m beyond ready to get going on the nursery! We’ve been holding out…wanting Quinn’s birthday to come first…but, now it’s time! The walls will be painted next week…and fun things will slowly but surely fill a room that will soon belong to a new baby!
Because of you, I’m wanting ketchup (so, I have to have burgers and fries to dip)…and lots of Taco Bueno! Not together, of course! I still love my diet coke and milk! And, bagels with cream cheese are SO yum in the mornings…I’m loving the Target brand French Toast bagels! MMMM!
Because of you, I feel like my belly (and, sadly, other parts of me) is HUGE! When I look at pictures from my pregnancy with Quinn, it’s really not different, but it just seems like it! This crazy big tummy is going to get SO much bigger! My poor back might just snap in half before then…it really is giving me fits! I guess that just means less housework and more relaxing on the couch! Shoot! (insert sarcasm!!! ;)…ha!)
Because of you, “Melman” (my giraffe print body pillow) is a must!!! Yes, we named him…he is like another person in bed with us! And, he’s SO wonderful! When I cuddle really tightly with him through the night, I wake with my back feeling so much better!
Because of you, I have TOTALLY peed my pants!!!!… TWICE!!!! Once I was laughing at Matt, and the other was after a sneeze! WHAT IN THE WORLD!?!?! How embarrassing! Thankfully, I was at home on both lovely occasions! Oh pregnancy…so glamorous!
Because of you, I’m ready for no more jeans and thankful that the warm weather is allowing me to pull out my cotton skirts, flip flops and maxi dresses! Whoever invented these clothing items must have been pregnant at some point…they’re heaven on my ever-changing body! And, because of you, I swear I love the little boy that currently lives in my house more and more everyday! I must admit that as my due date gets closer and closer, I am truly cherishing HIM and the “baby” that he is! And, my prayers for this little baby in my belly are full of “please Lord give him so many qualities that his Big Brother has!” What a blessing they are going to be to each other!
As far as the doctor visits go, everything is looking perfect! After my 26 Week visit, we’ll start going every TWO WEEKS! And, we’ll have a baby in our arms before we know it! Even though I can’t wait to meet our newest little family member, I sort of hope that time goes slowly! …There’s lots to do! :)
you are adorable! i love that you have peed in your pants. nice!
Such a fun update! I loved being pregnant and don't worry you're not the only one who's peed their pants. Ha! But I love that you shared it on your blog! :)
How wonderful to read of your joy and happiness durning your many today don't feel this way and abort their child.
Bless you.
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