Oh, these boys! Best little buddies..but, let’s be honest…, they’ve had no choice! I am so thankful for the friendship that I have with Cruse’s Mommy! I truly can’t imagine life without her! And, I’m so thankful for the sweet little friendship that these two little guys have…less than 4 months apart, different as can be, but precious pals, none the less!
Here they are yesterday…all twisted up on the chair and watching Toy Story 2. How big are they? ...Look at those long legs!!!…And, how precious!!! … When I looked at these, I remembered taking pictures of these same two little guys in this same chair not so very long ago…
…and, I felt the need for a flashback. I love flashbacks! And, to think, it’s only been 2 1/2 years!!! How fun it will be to flashback when they’re 18!!! I can’t even imagine…
Here they are meeting for the very first time…the day after Quinn’s birthday…March of 2007. Cruse was almost 4 months old!!!…
…and, here we all are on Mother’s Day 2007! Cruse was OBVIOUSLY checking out Q’s cool shoes!!!…
Even though there were some in between, here are a few from October of 2007…their first trip to the Pumpkin Patch… …and their first Halloween!!!!…
This one was in December of 2007…right after they met Santa Claus…
And, here they are at Cruse’s first birthday party! {And, my personal favorite pic of them!!!…Cracks me up!!!…}
Here they are with Big Brother Cade at the beginning of 2008…
…and playing, with saggy pants, in the Spring of 2008…
And, sharing a snack in the Spring of 2009…
How cute are they looking at the airplanes in March, right before Quinn’s 2nd birthday!… This last picture was on the first day of school this year! Cruse had just dropped off his bubba at Kindergarten and the boys had fun playing together! …
I love that they’re buddies. I love that Q talks about his “Cruser” often and that he can’t wait to share his new toys with him. I hope and pray that they always stay little buddies…and, if for some crazy reason they choose not to, we’ll still force them to take the occasional picture! :)
I love this! One of my best friends is pregnant right now with me, and she is just 3.5 months ahead of me. Can't wait for our little ones to be best buds too!
So sweet!! I love the best friends we pick out for them!. I've done it too and the boys couldn't be less interested in each other ;)
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