Last night, while I was enjoying a wonderful cooking/shopping workshop with friends, I got the dreaded phone call from my husband that said..."I'm on my way to CareNow!" Apparently, during his quarterbacking duties in his flag football game, his knee went one way while his body went another! {Possible sign that he's too old to be playing...shhh...don't let him hear me say that!!!} Anyway, long story short...after waiting in a waiting room full of sickies (we PRAYED that none of them had the Swine Flu) and then getting X-rays, Matt was sent home with a huge knee brace, crutches and a Vicodin prescription! Now, we wait! The swelling needs to go down some before he can get an MRI to find out if it's his ACL. Yuck! ... And, even though I hated to not be there for the injury, I was so thankful to have missed out on the bloodcurdling battle cry that came after his fall! So, now I play nurse...although, not a very good one...I'm practicing grace! :) ...
P.S. Two days ago, I totally {broke?} my toe while vacuuming the house! It is all shades of purple and requires me to walk with a bit of a limp! So, I had to get on to Matt for totally stealing my thunder! ;)
My girlfriend did that the other day too! She said it is God's way of letting you know that cleaning is overrated! HA! :)
Prayed that Matt didn't tear his ACL.
so sorry to hear that...hope everything turns out ok....Don't bet that this teaches him that he is too old to play....it took B two broken noses (with reconstructive surgery) and a broken rib before he finally hung up his playing shoes!
OUCH!! I hope it's not the ACL...I tore mine and it is NOT fun. I can't image your toe feels good either!
thanks for the posts about the 25cloth blog...you did not have to do that. I appreciate it!! I am almost ready to start your design for this blog! :)
Not Good! If he wants to talk to anyone about ACL surgery/recovery/rehab let me know. RT tore his ACL completely in 1/2 a couple of years ago and said it was the most pain he has ever been in. His knee has never been the same! I will pray it is not that serious!!!!!
I bet you two are a sight to watch walk/hobble down a hall! Hope you both heal soon.
By the way, on a totally different subject, how is Bethany?
UGH! I do NOT envy his crutches. I'm so sorry! You can both join the injured list at my house! Hope it's good news when it's time for the MRI.
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