Monday, April 27, 2009

Cel-e-brate Good Times...COME ON!!!

The past week (and especially this weekend) we have had our fair share of celebrating and it has been SUPER fun!...It all started last Friday...Q and I braved the yucky rain (in our rain boots, of course) to celebrate Rylie's 4th birthday party! It was full of games, pizza, Thomas cake, party hats and good times! We love you, Miss Rylie!... Then, this Friday, I left Q with his Daddy and headed out with the girls to celebrate Jodi's birthday! Girls nights are the BEST! We laughed too much and had such fun conversations! I love you girls!!!... On Saturday, we got our party faces on and started our day celebrating Emerson's 1st birthday! What a sweet girly girl she is!!!...And, despite the CRAZY wind, it was such a fun party!!!...Complete with the most precious party favors. (more on that later!!!) Happy Birthday, Miss Emerson! We love you!... After the party, I rushed home to change clothes to get to Kaylynn's wedding shower! Kaylynn has been in our youth group since we started at our church (she was in 6th grade!) and she has found the love of her life! So, a month after her high school graduation, she is going to become Mrs. Stone! I'm still in shock but am so very happy for her and can't wait to celebrate her precious wedding day! I love you more than you know, Miss Kaylynn!
Then, on Saturday night, thePoeFam headed to Campisi's to surprise Cooper for his 18th birthday party! Cooper is our youth group drummer and Q is his biggest fan! So, we couldn't miss celebrating with all of his friends and family...and he was truly surprised! So fun!!!
And, last but not least...on Sunday evening, while dining at Which Wich, Q let us know that he had to go potty! So, Matt took him to the men's restroom and HE DID IT! a public place!!! I was shocked and so proud! We celebrated him lots and lots!!!
What good times we had...and did we ever sleep well! :)
Thank you, Jesus, for so many fun things to celebrate!!!


Brooke & Freeland said...

Oh my gosh! I cant believe Kaylynn is getting married! Tell her I said congrutulations please! Thats exciting! Sounds like yall definitely had a busy weekend celebrating! :)

Anonymous said...

I remember him from college. I went to HSU also. He may not remember me though - Shannon McLaughlin