Saturday, February 14, 2009

She's good!!!

Last night, our family went over to the Burk's so that Matt could work on Jessica's photography logo and a T-shirt for Matt Burk's studio. ... And so that I could love on Baby Christopher, of course!!! ...While we were there, Jessica took a few pictures of Q in her new studio {for his b-day party invite...those are not's a surprise!}, and they are so precious! Who knew that less than 20 minutes could produce such cuteness!? I have a feeling that it will be the first of many photo shoots in that studio with my talented photographer friend!

Thank you, sweet friend, for taking the time to capture my baby...and his "real" eyes! ;)

1 comment:

Jessica and Matt said...

Yay! It was fun breaking in the new studio with you guys. :) The pj photos are really cute, too. I have them on cd for you already...