It used to be such a battle...at first I'd completely feed him and rock him to sleep...then, after some time, I would rock him until he was really drowsy and pray that he would stay sleepy when I put him down...then we moved on to rocking, singing, putting him down, and leaving him SCREAMING because he wanted to be rocked some more. I can remember thinking that he would NEVER be the child that would lay in his bed awake and lull himself to sleep! ...
Well, I was wrong. He no longer needs to be rocked. I wrap him up in a blanket, and AS SOON as we sit in the chair he says, "go bed, Mommy...nigh night!" It's so precious but it breaks my heart at the same time. So, about a month ago, we started a new routine. We turn off every light except for the lamp by the rocker and we read a few Bible stories. He lays so calmly in my arms as he plays with his hair and listens to every word and then continues to lay still as I pray for him. It's one of my favorite times with my little man. Now, when we say it's time to go "bye-o-baby" he often runs ahead of me to his room and says "read Bible story!" I love our new routine and hope that it's something we continue for a very long time.
Creighton went through those same stages and now, he wants me to rock him or lay by him and pat him to sleep. Don't give up yet that he's completely finished wanting you to rock!
I love y'alls new routine...how sweet to share that time together learning about our Jesus :o). It's so bittersweet when they do stuff like this and grow up on us.
And...I totally just stole your idea from a long time ago about those bird pics you framed. I loved that idea and filed it away in my noggin. Today I FINALLY found some floral/herbal prints and got it done. I LOVE it, so thank you for your inspiration. Hope you don't mind :o).
So sweet! That's one of the things I'm looking forward to about a new baby--I remember how sad I was when Ty stopped wanting me to rock him! Charlie still would let me rock her but she is so heavy and it hurts my belly :)
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