On Thursday, I think I was having "one of those days." I was ultra tired and, even though Q wasn't really being a toot, he was wearing me out! Well, I guess Matt could hear that in my voice on the phone. Later, when Matt got home from work, Quinn ran to the door to greet him. Shortly after, I hear Q say "wowers!" I was in the kitchen and smiled! Quinn had just given away the surprise...Matt had brought home flowers for me. (and a super sweet card!) It made my day...and made me laugh that Quinn had given away the first of many (hopefully) surprises!
Our husbands are quiet the pair! HaHa... I know you can't read my blog but I had posted yesterday about how Brad had brought me home flowers and a card... Made my day! I am sitting next to him reading your blog when I see that you got flowers too....His response was that it was a team effort! Boys!
What a sweet hubby you have!!! We had so much fun with you & Quinn today- we always love seeing you guys! Love ya! :)
How sweet that Matt brought you "wowers" that's precious. Good job Matt...looking for some "wuvin" from the wifie huh...wink, wink!
my word verification was just "pilifung" howw wierd....and random
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