Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Exit: 8th Street

On our way back from Wimberley, Matt and I exited good 'ol 8th Street in Waco, Texas. If only I had a dollar for every time I went down that street in my four years at Baylor! Anyway, we tried to see the bear, but he was sleeping...and took a second to swing in the famous Baylor swings that Matt and I swung in numerous times. We stopped off at the bookstore and got Q a cool Baylor T and sticker for his car! It was a quick little stop, but I loved it so much! I feel so blessed to have gone to such an amazing school. ...And, I can proudly say that on Monday, Quinn mastered "Sic 'em bears" while wearing his Baylor T. It's so cute to see his little hand go up and down as he says "bears!" Maybe he'll be a BU alumni one day too!


The Rowe Crew said...

So fun! We were actually there on Sunday on our way back from somewhere too...too bad we didn't run into each other!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Ok the swing's yellow board looks like it's about to break and send you and Q toppling down...Thank goodness it held up for the pic....

Nominate someone or something in need said...

love what you guys are doing w/ the 25 shirt business! that is awesome...i will def. pass it on w/ those i know!!!