For the fourth, lots of Matt's "California family" came to visit! It was so fun to see Grandpa, Auntie Ev, Uncle Steve, Dan and Alli...and to meet Matt's cousin Amy Jo and her three precious kids! Quinn was showered with lots of attention and kisses from all of the fam and had so much fun swimming with his little 3rd cousin(?), Taylor Elise! ...As soon as we walked into the pool area, Q went nuts! It was hilarious. Matt was holding him and he was kicking like crazy and saying "wahwah, wahwah" over and over! He couldn't wait to get in!

Quinn's Paparazzi...

Even though these pics don't really show it, Q loved the BIG slide...but Mommy didn't too much...I was a nervous wreck every time he went under the water...even though he did it by choice about 3 times! Matt did a good job at lifting him way up high when they came off of the slide... and I slid with him once too! I got tons of water up my nose and almost lost my contacts, but he was being held way up high!

Tired boy with his Momma...since he missed his nap, he came close to napping in the pool...sweet boy...

Amy Jo and Taylor Elise....Can you say "diva!" ...

Swimming with Nana and Pawpaw...

Love from Aunt Boogie...

Playing at Amy Jo's concert...

Plaid shorts are cool...

I love this picture so much...Isn't it sweet?!...
Brittany, I know it has been a really long time since we have seen or talked to each other. What like, middle school? But, I just wanted you to know that your family is beautiful. You and Matt look so happy, and Quinn is so cute, and so boy. Thanks for sharing pictures and words.
What a fun day!
Whoah! Look at that baby girl's eyes! She is out of CONTROL cute!
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