Sunday, February 03, 2008

The "Milk Truck" is Slowing Down!

Ever since the beginning, Matt has called me Quinn's "milk truck." When Quinn get's fussy, Matt will happily pass him off and say that "Q needs his milk truck!"...endearing, right!? Anyway, this week, we have started the weaning process and it's going better than expected! Quinn is now only nursing 3 times a day (first thing in the morning, around 3 and then at bedtime) and is drinking his cold, whole, organic milk here and there throughout the day! It's so cute to watch him pick up his sippy cup and drink all by himself. ... So, my sweet "milk truck" nickname may be retired sooner than later!


Laura said...

Oh Brittney, I know how you feel being called a milk truck! You feel like it too but I still love being the milk woman! I am really going to miss those days when they end. I am glad he loves his sippy cup and Q has grown so much! Precious little man!

S, J, B, & S said...

I might be coming to you for some pointers in a month or two ... :(

Meredith said...

We're going through the same thing! I've gotten him down to 3 times a day, with sippy cup in between - but I'm not sure how much he's actually getting. I want to talk tomorrow at playgroup about this! We can't wait to see you guys!

campers said...

just love that nickname....sounds just like Matt!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Why is it that you have an different outfit for each theme of the blog! It truely amazes me.
It's time to pop another one out Brittney, so don't speak so soon about not being the Milk Truck any longer! :)
I'm secretly ready for you to pop another out! :)

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Do I need to make you a pendant that says: "I make milk, what's your superpower?"....I've seriously thought about designing some for mom's. Whatcha think? Hit or No Hit?