Friday, February 22, 2008


So, I sent out an email to a few friends asking which picture I should frame for our living room. We came up with a winner, but now I need to know which 'effect' I shold choose! I'm having the hardest time. It's going to be 16x20 in this frame...

And, here are the choices!


Vote #1 for this one... (It has a 'soft glow')

Vote #2 for this one... (It has a watercolor finish!)

And, Vote #3 for this one... (the 'softhatch' look)

Thank you for helping me decide!


Laura said...

Hiya! I would go with the first one. Although, I'm not great at this photography thing, I just like that "soft glow" look I think. I'm sure whichever one you pick will be perfect!

Chrys and Mike said...

I vote for #1.

Sorry I haven't called you. It has been a crazy week!

Talk soon.


allyo said...

When you have such a cute baby, I can see how picking the perfect picture would be hard! I vote for #1, but #3 is a close second. He is so handsome...a perfect mixture of you both. I bet God had fun creating sweet Quinn...I picture Him with a huge smile on his face the whole time.

the thorntons said...

I voted for #1, but it's kinda hard to tell on the computer. I'm sure they would all look great because the subject is so cute! I love the frame too!

S, J, B, & S said...

i say one million percent GLOW!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...


Jessica and Matt said...


Diana said...

hey girl! Long time but I happened upon your blog from Amy, Sharee, and now.. well you! My vote #1