Tuesday, February 05, 2008

25 Cloth...Not just a shirt...a life changed!

It is with great excitement that I finally tell you all about

About 2 months ago, Matt and Brad were given an awesome opportunity to start a business. They felt that God was giving them so much creativity and the means to start something that could truly change lives! It has been amazing to watch them dream and, with much prayer, start this amazing company! Please visit our site (that launched TODAY!) and read "our mission" by clicking on the pictures below... and go to www.25cloth.blogspot.com

Our "first quarter" casue...

Matt's home away from home...designing...

We sold shirts for the first time at a local DNOW on January 26th! We were so amazed to sell almost $2,000.00 worth of shirts! WOW!!!

Our VERY first customer...

The "Two-five team!"...

SHUT UP!!!!...

The offical 25 baby...look at his shirt!!!...

Look for lots more greatness from 25 to come!!!!


Natalie said...

Very cool, I can't wait to hear more!

Kelli said...

What a great idea! I hope that you guys put the 25 baby shirts for sale... I can't wait to buy one for my little one!

crazymom said...

I am so excited for you guys. What a way to make a true difference. I cant wait to buy shirts for my family!!! I can deft. spread the new for you all here in VA. If you ever need anything just let me know! I love baby Q's shirt, Gotta have one for Willie man!

S, J, B, & S said...

Soooo exciting! Congratulations on this new venture!

Porter Carroll said...

I want a shirt! And Porter needs one too! Good luck to 25! I love the concept! :)