My little Booger Bear,
It is crazy to think that you have been in my arms for the same amount of time that you were in my tummy. Even though I loved feeling you move inside of me, I love feeling you wiggle and kissing your sweet face even more!

Your 9th month has been a fun one! You are now mobile...crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything! Daddy calls you "Q-mobile!" We love to watch you go, see you rock back and forth on your hands and knees, watch you stand on your feet and hands like a bear, and have you come to us! You have already taken a few nasty spills and we don't look forward to the many more that will come. We couldn't believe it when we went into your room to console your cries one night and you were standing up in your crib! We lowered your mattress the next day!

Despite a yucky cold for most of the month (that included a trip to the doc with Daddy after a 102.7 fever!), you have continued to be quite the character! You are really waving now...at the nurses, the puppies, at us! It's so cute to watch you as you do it! You're also now very aware of your name and quickly turn to us when we call you. You love to dance ...especially to Daddy's drum line beat...and you nod your head and rock your body along with us! You have become extra ticklish and will laugh and laugh when we tickle you under your arms or neck! We love to watch you in your Jumparoo. You get so excited to bounce while you watch your Praise Baby. You are talking more and more but "dada" is still your favorite thing to say. I try to get you to say "mama" and you'll look at me and say "dada" with a big grin --- little toot!

You seem to be becoming more of a little boy in many ways! You're eating baby food so well...5 or 6 containers a day...and just love it all! You even share your food with Kia and Krozby sometimes by leaning over in your highchair and letting them lick your hands. You're still nursing about 5 times a day and don't show any signs of wanting to wean. You do 'bounce' when you eat sometimes and it always makes me laugh. You are also sleeping much better. You are no longer swaddled and sleep for 9-12 hours on your tummy! Sometimes you wake up at night but you'll quickly fuss yourself back to sleep. We even catch you playing in your crib some mornings before we come to get you. You have started helping us dress you by putting your arms through your sleeves once we get you started. You're such a good helper!

Being away from mommy and daddy at school is continuing to be a challenge. I stopped nursing you at school and you seem to adjust a little better. I hate that you're sad and can sometimes even hear you crying from my classroom. It breaks my heart to not be able to come and get you. I'm praying that God gives us both comfort, strength and peace.

The highlight of our month was celebrating your first Christmas. Even though you're young, it seemed to be magical to you...which made it so much more magical for us. We started new traditions with you. We visited Santa, and even though you weren't too sure of him, we left him cookies and milk anyway. We started our plate tradition by making a plate every year so we'll one day have a full set of dishes. It turned out so cute that the store even had it on display when we went to pick it up! We loved having a new little face on our Xmas card and everyone else did too. We got lots of compliments on how cute you were! And, Christmas morning was too great! Grammer and Slickpaw came to visit and got you more presents than we could count. You entertained the idea of playing with your new toys, but really just wanted to crawl around getting the paper and bows. I have a feeling that next year will be even more fun!

So, Happy 3/4 Birthday, little boy! We can't wait to see what lies in the next 31 days!
I love you,
Your Mommy
hi brittney! it's alicia hart. i love following your blog and baby quinn is so precious! i love your cute family!!
have you heard anything about our 10 year reunion for cooper? several people have started talking about it, but i don't know anything!! maybe you do? :)
have a great week!
Boy is he getting big. So is Bryson. Bryson said Dada first too. He has started saying Mama some recently. It will come and boy is it sweet!
I love his little birth mark on his arm Brittney! I just noticed it, little Laney has one on her leg. He is getting cuter every day with his little teeth and smiles!
Quinn, We are growing so fast! My mommy says that she can't believe that you are NINE months old- it just seems like yesterday your mommy and my mommy were comparing big bellies! Thank you for having me over yesterday- I am so glad you woke up to have a little fun before we left! I had so much fun at your house & can't wait to see you again soon! XOXO, Tanner
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