Monday, October 22, 2007


Look what we found today! Not one, but TWO teeth in our little man's mouth. The funniest part is...they're not on the bottom but on the top! We hope to have a better night tonight...we'll blame getting up 4 times (and finally giving up and sleeping on the guest bed) on the teeth!


campers said...

so cute! I will hope for some better nights!

Cliff said...

Wow! So that is the reason for the drool, runny nose, etc. It makes me think of Matt's pre-rthodontics picture. You might throw some extra change in the braces fund!

Kara Wilson said...

Darling!!! We missed you so much at playgroup yesterday! I hope Quinn is feeling much better!

the thorntons said...

I haven't been checking blogs over the past few days, so I got to see TONS of cute pics of Quinn all at once. I can't believe he has teeth!

Jessica and Matt said...

TEEETH!!! Oh my GOODNESS! Wow! At least you for sure have an explanation for the rough nights. :) So we need to meet this child of yours. I don't think my husband and I have. I mean, we met your baby baby, but not your child. Okay?

Nicki W. said...

those dern teeth! i am always complaining about them!! they do make those little smiles so cute!!