Oh, I have a STINKER on my hands. Quinn is learning to have SUCH an opinion. Even though it sometimes wears me out, it's hilarious. I feel that he's going to be a 'go-getter' when he gets big. He now throws a fit when he gets something taken away from him...like a cup, my hair, or a remote, and also arches his back when he's angry in our arms.... He is now also un-swaddling himself and turns every which way in his crib. One afternoon this week (after having a very hard time napping), I walked in it find him watching for me through his crib! It was precious! But, despite his "boyness," he is super affectionate. He loves to be held, loves to cuddle, and LOVES to give kisses. (a.k.a. SUCK on my face!!!) Matt and I always talk about how blessed we are to have such a good baby.
Quinn and I after a nap...

Our hold out the camera' photo shoot...I thought they were so funny!!!...

Quinn watching for mommy through his crib...

Quinn and Mommy before Spirit Day/Crazy Hair Day at school...watch out, we're CRAZY!!!...

Yummy kisses...

OMG- I am laughing out loud just looking at these darling pictures!!! I LOVE the ones of him in his crib watching for you. Precious! Love all the cute pics & love you guys! Can't wait to see you at playgroup on Monday!
Oh my gosh! I can't believe he is sucking your face! That is hilarious!!!
that is SOOOOO cute how he watches for you from in his crib!!!
Kai sucks on my chin like that too and we thought it was the funniest thing ever...that's so funny that Quinn does that too!
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