Today we had Quinn's 6 month portraits taken! We couldn't be happier with the results! When we walked in the studio to view the portraits, all of the workers were 'oohing' and 'ahhing' and automatically handed us a model release form to fill out. I have a feeling that our little "model" may be on his way to stardom! HA! We wish!
Since Slickpaw and Grammer were in town, the photographer snuck in a few pics of them with Q...

Precious precious pictures! I love how he looks so grown up in his attire! And the one sticking his tongue out :)! I can't believe he is 6 months old! time keeps going by faster and faster the older we get I think!
Can't wait to meet you Quinn!
LOVE those pictures & LOVE little Quinn :) He's so handsome!!
Oh my GOODNESS. BGP. Seriously--so STINKIN' CUTE! I can not believe how adorable those pictures are. I love them all! One of the ones with the football, I can totally see MattPoe. So fun! And I love the top of your blog. He seriously, seriously looks like a model. And I'm not just trying to be nice. Seriously. So cute! :)
unbelievable..........just when i think you've outdone yourself....then you go do it again! :0)
of course!!!!! name a day and it's probably good for me!!!
he is too cute! i can TOTALLY see you in his eyes...looks so much like you!
These are really amazing. Such a cutie pie! I missed him in the nursery on Sunday!
so cute!
He really could be the Gerber baby. So stinkin' cute. I need to see him again soon!! :)
Have to comment again on the really adorable pictures of your little guy!
All those pics are adorable. I especially love the tongue one. Where did you go?
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