Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Start of the playroom...

Well, last night I got the bug to start working on Baby Quinn's playroom! I know, I know...he won't actually "play" in it for months after he's born, but I just like to get things done! Anyway, I made these pics to hang in a grouping! I think they're pretty cute...I want the room to be really bright and fun...and gender neutral for the day that we have a little boy AND a little girl playing in the same room! :) HA! Anyway, I'm going to frame them (like the mouse) and hang them soon! ...Wish me luck as I countinue to check things off my list!


campers said...

I love them...never knew you were such an artist!!! Where is the playroom?? He is almost here!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

SO THAT'S what you've been doing while you've been "teaching" 1st grade! Cutting and framing construction paper! uh huh uh huh. :)

Jessica and Matt said...

What on EARTH?!? I swear. I mean, I thought you had made like one or two, and I was going to be super impressed. But you made them ALL. And they look perfect! I knew you would do great, but seriously--that's rediculous. I'm going to have to start making a list at all the things I am good at now, so I'm not so depressed about how I could never whip something like that together.

Laura said...

WOW! I knew teachers were artsy but that is precious! I can't even draw a tree! Those are too cute though seriously serious! You should open shop girl!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!! Where is the playroom going to be?

the thorntons said...

SO adorable. I love love love them! I don't know why everyone is so surprised that you're an artist...was there ever any doubt?!Can't wait to meet Baby Q in just a few short weeks. Woo Hoo!!!